I am delighted that I have written more than 30 English articles within two months. I started this blog last month and hoped to write English essay in an easy way. I have seen many blogs ceased with several articles and I worried this blog will be the one of these. That's why I wanted to take this habit easy. An easy habit will be an everlasting habit. While a difficult task seems great at first, it is not sustainable.
The greatest resistance stopping me from writing is not the fear of English, but lack of sharable topics. After writing about twenty articles, I ran out of topics and found nothing to say. Sometimes I felt stress and pushed my brain to cough out stuff but failed. My brain complained by letting me felt dizzy and tired. Throughout this period, I discovered my brain is my close friend that I should understand more. Rather than pushing and requesting my brain, I should let go and trust my dearest friend. I confess I know very little on him but demand too much. The conscious mind is just a tip of the iceberg while the subconscious mind is the great deep sea. If I trust my brain by relaxing and doing something else first, my brain will reward me by picking up some funny topics from the subconscious sea! Then suddenly booms! Idea comes!
What topics I aim to talk? I am not ambitious to express some wonderful,intelligent opinion that can seize reader's admiration. I also don't want this blog will be full of petty daily stuff, for example just a photo of my meal without any further meanings. Being a copycat to fill up the blog with some second-handed stuff such as video clip, photo or news is also not my wish. I want to write something that the readers and I ,as the first reader, can read in pleasure, hopefully can pass some meaningful messages or knowledge. I will be satisfied every time I finish that kind of article.
Do you know why I talk about this today? It is because I had nothing to write this morning. And after several hours, suddenly my brain suggested, "You have written for nearly two months, let have a review on blog writing." "Good idea!" I replied.
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