Sunday, February 22, 2015

My mind controls my ear wax

  I said in the previous post that I was skeptical of the pharmacist's claim. He claimed that ear and throat are in connect and the solvent can let the softened ear wax flowing to my throat. I contemplated on the diagram of ear structure and decided not to believe him. It is because there is a ear drum, although delicate, blocks auditory canal and auditory tube. Ear wax accumulated in auditory canal has no way to penetrate the ear drum and reach auditory tube. I am not sure though. May be the ear drum is smaller than the diameter of the auditory canal. And the ear wax can reach auditory tube by passing through the edge.
  Although I have no idea about the real physical structure of ear, I notice there is psychological linkage on ear discomfort. I searched through my memory. I discovered that when I felt depressed, upset or tired because of lack of sleep or sick, I would also suffer from discomfort on left ear. It seemed that the auditory tube contracted and the left ear was blocked by ear wax. In that situation , I would try to use cotton tip to let myself feel better but mostly failed.

  Last week I also suffered from that discomfort. Now, I remember that something(my wife and my dear family members knew what that is) made me upset and down on that evening before. Then I felt my left ear was severely blocked in the next morning. After several days, I let go of that problem and became optimistic. My discomfort on left ear then disappeared unconsciously. May be human body can really regulate the amount of ear wax automatically, provided that I should have a healthy emotional state.

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